DAY 26 – Load Balancer – Setup One in two Minutes – Day Twenty Six

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Setup Target Group
Create target Group
- Go to AWS Console then to EC2 Dashboard
- Click on to Create target Group
- Choose a target type as Instance
- Name it as TargetGroup-tutorial
- Keep Protocol as HTTP-80
- Now select the instances that you want to add and click Include as Pending Below.
- Click Create Target Group.
Create LoadBalancer
- Select Application Load Balancer
- Name It (LoadBalancer-tutorial)
- Select Internet facing
- Network Mapping – Select all availability Zones
- Select your EC2 Security Group
- Select Listener , HTTP-80-TargetGroup-tutorial
- Click Create LoadBalancer
Wait for few mins AWS to deploy the loadbalancer, once its deployed you can point to LB using Route53
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